Ever since the early 1980s, the world of music hasn’t been the same. Alongside the likes of punk and new wave, a new type of music topped the charts with ease. Of course, the genre we’re talking about is EDM (electronic dance music). And just like any other form of entertainment, it came with various subgenres and derivatives.
Nevertheless, EDM is how most people refer to it. It’s a broad spectrum of different sounds that combine all sorts of frequencies, intending to make the listener move their hips across the dance floor. So, if you’re looking to make the most of your time at the local club or an EDM concert, here are some tips on what to wear.
Dress for Comfort, Go Casual
When it comes to EDM, one thing’s for sure — there will be a lot of moving around. Therefore, it’s important not to feel uncomfortable in something tight and more formal. Just imagine a guy in a full-on suit at a David Guetta concert. Yup, it looks cursed like mayo on a slice of pizza.
Firstly, it’s key to state that going casual is the only real way. But what does casual even mean? Well, it means that you should wear what feels comfortable to you. And in our minds, wearing comfy sneakers, regular jeans, or even tracksuits is the perfect combo for both looking and feeling good while at a rave or EDM festival.
For the upper part of your body, we’d go for a simple T-shirt or a hoodie. Both will be comfortable enough for you to use your hips and chest for some more fluent dance moves. Also, you can wear some specks and even a cap. Shades will make you look even cooler and will also help you withstand all the flashing lights that go crazy to fast beats that trance music offers.
Forget Anything Formal
Not to sound negative or anything, but EDM and dressing up formal just doesn’t work. And although the genre itself isn’t that new anymore, it’s still something for the younger generations. Be it electro house or liquid drum and bass, the whole vibe will be a lot more relaxed than, let’s say, during a live big band music show. Sure, no one listens to crooners anymore, but you get the point.
However, you can always use something primarily seen as formal and combine it with more modern and casual clothes. For example, you can wear the jacket that you wore to your cousin’s wedding last year and mix it with a cool T-shirt and a pair of jeans.
The Right Time to Rock Your Loud Accessories
From techno to house music, they’re all about fun and celebrating youth. Hence, it’s important to contribute to it with the way you look. Sure, fashion and music are often seen as something posers care about, but EDM has a specific ambient that you can be a part of. For instance, look up a Steve Aoki concert on YouTube, and you’ll understand what we’re trying to say here. It’s all about the lights and loud colors.
The same goes for the audience. There’s no need to hold back on wearing your most extravagant clothing. Not only will you have a chance to enjoy colors and designs you usually don’t wear, but you’ll also feel like a part of a larger movement. After all, music festivals are all about being young and careless.
Get on Your Dancing Shoes
Yup, we’ve already mentioned that you should carefully choose your footwear, but let’s expand on it a bit more. For girls, high-heels are a big no. No matter how cool your brand-new pair looks like, you’ll end up hating them by the time the night’s over. Why? Well, dancing in high-heels is like swimming with your feet knee-deep in cement. It’s impossible not to look silly or fall over.
Therefore, you should go for something much more casual. A great pick would be the shoes you wear while jogging. And in case you don’t have any athletic sneakers, just get something with flat bottoms. The same goes for guys — there’s no need for fancy leather shoes or boots. You’ll look dumb, and you’ll feel even dumber.
No Bulky Layers, Feel Free to Go Outlandish
Sweating is a big part of the EDM scene. Be it from dancing or doing some molly, you’ll lose weight by the time the night’s over. And no, we’re not joking. There’s no need for double layers of anything, not even a light shirt over a T. You’ll quickly feel the heat once the music kicks in and everyone around you starts bouncing like crazy.
And if you’re not that of a dancer, don’t worry. As soon as everyone else starts to rumble, your body will subconsciously follow. That’s just the rule of the mass. And it’s not wrong to loosen up a bit. It’s why you’re planning on going, after all. Also, feel free to be outlandish, and wear things you’d never do in everyday situations.